Pastors Glenn & Vera Hamel

Pastors Glenn & Vera  serve as the Senior Pators of Promise Land's Real Church and are responsible for overseeing all aspects of the ministry including Worship, pastoral care, & spiritual leadership. 

Pastor Michelle Sanders 

Serving our Ladies and Small Groups as Pastor, Teacher and Administrator. .

Pastor Edward Layton 

Pastor Ed is the Executive Director of the men's recovery home and serves on the Altar and security teams.

Pastor Richie Edwards 

Pastor Richie heads up the greeter team, serves on the Altar team  and is the Assistant Director of the men's recovery home.

Pastor Stephanie Burton 

Pastor Stephanie oversees helps head up the Altar and Prayer Teams.

Small Group Leaders 

Bruce Porter- Gospel, Guys, and Groceries 
Matthew Wilbur - Recovery Group
Janet Cloud - Prayer Team
Alexandria Hamel- Kids Class
Christian Hamel- Youth
